New Team Of SIO Telangana & Message from State President Dr. Talha Faiyazuddin

Category : State
December 22, 2018

Dearest brothers,
The team is not just the secretariat, but every member of the organization, who is the precious asset. However, there’s always a need of spearheads in various sectors to move ahead tremendously in those directions, equally propelled by all members.

Following will be the Zonal team of SIO TS for the coming term with the approval of zonal patron:


Zonal Secretary:
Sohaib Khan

Organising Secretary : Ibrahim Sayeed

Dawah Secretary :
Fareed Arshad

Education Secretary :
Mohammad Ali Tajdar

Campus Secretary :
Wajid Ali Arif

PR Secretary:
Abdullah Mohammed Faiz

Joint Secretary:
MD Zubairuddin

Joint Secretary:
Sohail Rizwan

Office Secretary :
Layeeq Ahmed

Media Manager :
Malik Amer

Universities Organizer:
Abdul Rafey Uzair Khan

Cultural Organiser:
Ismail Us Saqib

Deeni Madaris Organiser:
Farhan Ajmal Falahi

May Allah Bless them with the strength, the patience, the persistence and consistency for the work of HIS Deen, May Allah bless them in their skills and talents, time and health, knowledge and rizq_ Ameen!!!


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