Individual Assessment Form Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [images style="0" image="" width="272" align="center" top_margin="0" full_width="Y"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Individual Assessment Form [headline style="17" align="center" headline_tag="h2"]Individual Assessment Form[/headline] Add Element Add New Row Add Element Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [custom_html] Tell Us About Yourself Please take some time to complete the survey. Aim: This survey’s objective is to get a picture of the ground reality of individual members. This will be used to prepare the programs for the upcoming Meeqaat 2021-22. The answers will be anonymized. Guidelines: – In any fields, where numbers are to entered, please use mathematical digits (Eg: ’20’) instead of writing it out. – Please take time and do not rush while answering the questions – Answer these questions on your own as we need your opinions and not the opinions of your neighbours – Do not exaggerate or understate in any of the responses and try your best to provide a balanced view free from biases. Full Name* Date Of Birth* Unit* Occupation* Student Student + Part Time Job Job (Full time) Searching for Job Business (Own) Planning Higher Studies Education Qualification* For students who are currently enrolled in a course, please select the current course. Members who are not enrolled in a course are supposed to choose the previous highest qualification. 10th or less 11th/12th/Diploma Undergraduate/UG Postgraduate/ PG M.Phil PhD Education Qualification (Madarsa)* Hafiz Aalimiyat Mufti Year of Membership* Please enter the exact year following the Gregorian calendar (Eg: 2020) How did you get in contact with SIO?* You very well have many people who motivated you to join SIO, we want you to choose the way which influenced you the most to join SIO. Parents Relatives Job (Full time) Conferences or Campaigns Weekly or Study Circle Tick the responsibilities you have been assigned in this or the previous terms* Campus PR JAC/ICA HRD (Tazkiya, Tarbiya and HRD) Social Media Print & Electronic Media Environment Dawah Entrepreneurship Education Department Cultural Legal Department/Team ECGC Organizational Responsibility (UP, US, DP, DS, CP, CS, ZP & ZS) How well can you speak Telugu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not At All Fluent How well can you speak Urdu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not At All Fluent How well can you speak English 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not At All Fluent TAZKIYA How often do you read Quran?* Only after Fajar After or before Salah After waking up & before sleeping Variable How well are you at Tajweed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not At All Expert How many times have you read the Quran with translation* Completed more than 2 times or more Completed 1 time On going Not yet Started Number of Surahs Memorized* Please mention the exact numbers in digits only. Number of Ahadees Memorized* <10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40+ How often do you recite Azkaar?* Daily Sometimes Rarely How often do you make Dua?* Daily Sometimes Rarely Number of Books Read in this term (2019-2020)* Source of Islamic Knowledge Which sources do you get Islamic knowledge from? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Literature Scholar (Offline) Online Portals Youtube Social Media Where do you get your daily news Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Online Portal (News Website) Newspaper Social Media Television Social Influence / Organization To what extent do you work on your Family & Relatives? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Haven’t Started Strongly associated with Islamic Movement Number of Muslim friends you have introduced to SIO* Number of Non-Muslim Friends* Number of Non-Muslim friends with whom you have regular discussion about Islam/Religion* How many Non-Muslim Friends have you invited for tea, meals & conversation at your home* Which areas of SIO's activism is your interests (Rate according to your preference in each field) Interested Neutral Not Intrested Academic Activism Campus Activism Cultural Activism Entrepreneurship Environmental Activism HRD (Tazkiya, Tarbiyah & HRD) JAC/ICA Legal Activism Political Activism Social Service & Relief Sports Tehreek-e-Islami What/How will your lifetime contribution to Tehreek be? In case you choose the option “other”, please ensure you use correct spelling and type your answer in lowercase Research Industrially Entrepreneurship Journalism Political Judiciary Civil Services Islamic Studies Area/Rural adoption and education Talent & Skill Rate your Expertise in the following Domain No Skill Beginner Intermediate Advanced/Professional Public Speaking Writing Self-Management Networking People to people Networking virtual world Critical Thinking Decision making Maths Political Activism Legal Accounting Graphics Music Art Painting Photography Video Creation Website Programming Jokes/Humour Creativity Innovation Trouble-shooter Foreign Language Academics Money Management Teaching/Training Negotiating Skills Leadership Reading Typing Raise Money Inspiring Story Telling Ability to make Friends Communication Skills Project Management Problem Solving Volunteering Health/Fitness Singing Empathy Human Resources Logistics Multiple Languages Brainstorming Conflict Resolution Learning a skill takes time and dedication. A person should develop himself such that he has many skills to address the task at hand. Which skill are you ready to dedicate time for over the next 6 months to learn them? Public speaking Writing Self-management Networking People to people Networking virtual world Critical thinking Decision making Maths Legal Accounting Graphics Music Art Painting Photography Video Creation Website Programming Jokes / Humour Creativity Innovation Trouble-shooter Foreign Language Academics Money Management Teaching / Training Negotiating Skills Leadership Reading Typing Raise Money Inspiring Story Telling Ability to make Friends Communication Skills Project Management Problem Solving Volunteering Health / Fitness Singing Empathy Human Resources Logistics Multiple Languages Brainstorming Conflict Resolution This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. 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