In the light of the alarming situation due to the COVID pandemic, it is our religious and moral obligation to take part in providing relief to mankind to the best of our abilities. We should take precaution but at the same time have Tawakkul and do our part to be a source of beneficence (Nafi ‘yyat) for the mankind.
Lets fight COVID 19 together and help each other in these difficult times.
If you are young and ready to serve the community, register yourself as a volunteer.
Volunteers meet:
We shall have a briefing session on Sunday 25th April at 3:30PM(zoom). Team allotment and work procedure will be shared.
Hurry UP and register soon!
Zoom meet:
Time: April 25, 2021 03:30 PM India
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 6062 3675
Passcode: 657000