SIO Nizamabad Organised Press Confernece & Launching Prog Of YouthQuake

Category : Cities | Nizamabad
July 24, 2018

Students Islamic Organisation of India(SIO) City Nizamabad has organized a press conference & Launching program of YouthQuake, with the tag line of “Questioning Present – Envisioning Future” today in city Nizamabad.

Following are the demands made by SIO
1. Reservation:
Sacchar committee, ranganath mishra commission, sudhir committee and kundu committee all categorically emphasize with an empirical data of muslims educational and social backwardness in the state.hence, we demand the government to execute the promised 12% state reservation for muslim community & 10% to BC’s immediately by following the example of tamil nadu
2. Revoking ban on students union elections:
Right to union is constitutional right and it is essence of democracy. Post-bifurcation in 2014, it was unanimous call of all student organisations to lift a ban on students union elections in state universities of newly formed Telangana. We demand the government to lift the ban immediately through executive order.
3. Human Rights issues :
Human rights vioalation is a matter of serious concern and danger to rule of law in state, in particular, and across the country in general. Hence, SIO demands the authorities to take stringent action possible against the culprits violating societal peace


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