

The name of the organisation shall be “The students Islamic Organisation of India” and the name of this Constitution shall be “The Constitution of the Students Islamic Organisation of India”.



The headquarters of the Organisation will be in Delhi. However, the Central Advisory Council shall have the power to change the seat of the headquarters.

Date of Enforcement


The Constitution shall come into force on the 1st of Muharram 1403 A.H.(19th October, 1982).

Mission and Aims & Objectives


(A) Mission:
The mission of the Organisation shall be to prepare the students and youth for the reconstruction of the society in the light of Divine Guidance.

(B) Aims and Objectives:
1. To present Islamic Da’wah before students and youth.
2. To promote and cultivate the true knowledge and understanding of Deen (Islam) among students and youth.
3. To prepare students and youth for leading their individual and collective lives in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah.
4. To mobilize students and youth for promoting Virtues (Ma’roof) and uprooting Evils (Munkar).
5. To promote moral values in educational system and better academic and moral atmosphere in educational institutions.
6. To make arrangements for all round development of the individuals attached with the Organisation, to nourish their talents and to make them useful for the Islamic Movement.



(A) The Qur’an and the Sunnah shall be the main guide and basis for the On Goings of the Organisation.
(B) In all its actions, the Organisation shall abide by the moral limits.
(C) For the achievement of its aims and objectives, the Organisation shall adopt peaceful and constructive methods and the lawful means of educating, persuading, preaching, propagating and shall abstain from all such acts which are at variance with truth and honesty or which may result into communal hatred, class struggle or Fasad-fil-Arz (Mischief on the earth).



Every student and youth, who is a citizen of the Indian Union, can become a member of this Organisation, provided that he:

1. Pledges, after understanding the Constitution of the Organisation, that he shall abide by the constitution and in accordance therewith, abide by its discipline.
2. Is regular in Saum-o-Salat (Fasting & Prayer) and active in observing other Faraiz (religious obligations) as per the Shariah limits and abstains from Kaba’ir (Major Sins).

3. Is not more than 30 years of age.
(A) In case of fulfilling the conditions, a student or youth shall be deemed to be a member of the Organisation when the President of the Organisation accepts his application for membership.

(B) If any member completes 30 years of age during the year, he shall remain member of the Organisation till the end of that year.

Sarparast-e-Aa’la (Chief Patron)


There shall be a Sarparast-e-Aa’la (Chief Patron) of the Organisation who shall always be the Ameer, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind.


The duties and powers of the Sarparast-e-Aa’la shall be as follows:

1. To see that the organisation discharges its functions on healthy lines in accordance with its aims and objectives. For this purpose, he shall have the right to take steps as per the necessity.
2. To arrange for election of the Central Advisory Council and the President of the Organisation as per the Constitution.
3. To accept resignation of the President and the General Secretary.
4. To suspend the President and the General Secretary, if so needed in the interest of the Organisation.
5. To dismiss the President of the Organisation in consultation with the Central Advisory Council and the General Secretary in consultation with the president of the Organisation, if the interest of the Organisation so warrants.
6. Decisions relating to important or controversial matters of the Organisation or interpretation of Constitution and amendments therein shall be effective after the approval of the Sarparast-e-Aa’la. (Note: The Sarparast-e-Aa’la shall have the power to discharge his functions, if needed, through a person nominated by him).

Criteria of Election and Appointments


(A) For office bearers of the Organisation:
1. He should be a member of the Organisation but should not aspire to any post.
2. He should be, on the whole, better than other members in his electoral/nomination Zone in respect of religious knowledge, piety, understanding of affairs, sagacity and sound opinion, observance and struggle in the way of Allah and organisation abilities.

(B) For members of Advisory Council:
1. He should be a member of the Organisation but should not aspire to the membership of the Advisory Council or any post in the Organisation.
2. He should be, on the whole, more suitable than other members of the electoral zone in respect of religious knowledge, piety, understanding of affairs, sagacity and soundness of opinion , observance to the Constitution and steadfastness in the way of Allah.



(A) The Organisation shall have a biennial term. Election or appointment for Central and Zonal posts shall be for two years and local for one year.
(B) The election or appointment against any vacancy in mid term shall remain valid for the remainder period of the term.
(C) Age shall not be a bar to persons holding constitutional offices at the Centre or in Zones, in completion of their tenure, if they cross the age limit of 30 years during the tenure.

President of the Organisation


The status of the President of the organisation shall be that of the Chief of the Organisation and members of the Organisation shall be bound to obey him in Maroof (Righteousness).


A. The members of the Zonal Advisory Council and representatives of the members from those areas where Organisational Zones do not exist shall elect the President of the Organisation from among the members of the Organisation.

B. In case of a mid term election, the Central Advisory Council members and the persons holding constitutional offices at the Centre and Zones shall also have the right to vote along with the Zonal Advisory Council members, and representatives of the members from those areas where Organisational Zones do not exist.

C. Efforts shall be made that the election should be unanimous, otherwise it will be by a majority vote.


(A) The General Secretary shall immediately assume the office of the President of the Organisation, in case, it suddenly falls vacant due to some reason. This temporary arrangement shall be for not more than three months. It shall be necessary to elect a President of the Organisation as per Article- 12, within this period.

(B) In case that the President on his own has to relinquish his responsibilities for the time being, he shall have the place in consultation with the Sarparast-e-Aa’la. The term of such appointment shall not exceed six months and the approval of the Central Council shall be necessary, in case the period is to exceed three months.


The President shall remain in office till a new President takes over charge of the President ship as per Article-12 &13.


The duties and powers of the President shall be as follows:

1. To maintain discipline in the working of the Organisation.
2. To strive for the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Organisation.
3. To frame and amend the policy of the Organisation and decide controversial matters with the advice of central Advisory
4. To take Immediate steps in some emergent matters with the advice of the available members of the central Advisory Council or of the Organisation as may be possible in the prevailing situation, if consulting the central Advisory Council be not possible and to inform Sarparast-e-Aa’la as soon as possible about it and to put the decisions and the report of the steps taken for approval in the next meeting of the central Advisory Council.
5. To summon the meeting of the Central Advisory Councils and to preside over it.
6. To hold the election for the Zonal Advisory Councils and Zonal office bearers.
7. To Extend Invitation to a non member in the meeting of the Central Advisory Council but such invitee shall have no right to vote.
8. To Accept Application for membership as per Article-6 and to accept resignation of any member.
9. To suspend any member of the Organisation or to expel him (Article-50).
10. To set up regional / Zonal administrative units in consultation with the Central Advisory Council.
11. To appoint General secretary in consultation with the central Advisory Council.
12. To supervise the work of Zones in the light of the decisions of the Advisory Councils.
13. To accept resignation of members of the Central and Zonal Advisory Councils and Zonal office bearers and inform the
Sarparast-e-Aa’la and Sarparast-e-Halqa (Zonal Patron) respectively about it.
14. To Suspend any Zonal President and to dismiss him with the consultation of the respective Zonal Advisory Council.
15. To suspend any Zonal Secretary and to dismiss him with the consultation of the respective Zonal President.
16.(a) To suspend a Local Unit.
(b) To dissolve it with the consultation of the respective Zonal president, of the interest if the Organisation so warrants.
17. To use the assets of the Organisation in the interest of the Organisation within the restriction imposed by the Central Advisory council and so sell, purchase, exchange or transfer the movable and immovable properties on behalf of the Organisation.
18. To abide by the directions of Sarparast-e-Aa’la (Article-8).


The temporary President shall have the powers as the permanent President mentioned in Article-15. The Officiating President, however, shall exercise only those powers which will be specifically vested in him by the President.

Central Advisory Council


(A) There shall be a central advisory council to aid & advice the President whom the president shall consult on important matters which are likely to have a considerable bearing on the policy or discipline of the organisation or which may be controversial.

(B) The number of the members of the Central Advisory Council shall be 15. The President shall, however, fix, in consultation with the existing Central Advisory Council the number of the members before the start of the next term.



(A) The members of the Zonal Advisory Council and representatives of the members from those areas where Organisational Zones do not exist shall elect the members of the Central Advisory Council from among the members of the Organisation. The General Secretary shall be the ex-officio member of the Central Advisory Council. (B) In case of any Central Advisory Council’s seat falling vacant, members of Zonal and Central Advisory Councils, and the persons holding constitutional offices at the Centre or Zones and representatives of the members from those areas where Organisational Zones do not exist, shall elect for it from among the members of the organisation for the remainder of the term.



(A) A meeting of the Central Advisory Council shall ordinarily be held once a year and the intervening period between two meetings shall not be more than 14 months.
(B) The President of the Organisation shall have the right to summon an emergency meeting at any time.
(C) It shall be obligatory to summon an emergency meeting of the council, if 1/3 of the members of the Central Advisory Council make a written requisition to the President of the Organisation.



The quorum for the meeting shall be 1/2 of the total members of the Council. But in case, a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, there shall be no quorum for the meeting.



In the annual meeting of the Central Advisory Council, the following matters shall be presented for the consideration and decision:
1) Annual Report of the Organisation.
2) The report of income and expenditure of the Central Baitul-mal in the light of the previous year’s budget along with the Auditor’s report.
3) Appointment of Auditor.
4) Budget for the nest year.
5) Framing of or amendments in policy and programme.
6) Proposal and suggestions regarding Organisation matters.

Decision of the Council


The Attempts shall be made that decision in the Central Advisory Council are taken Article-23 Article-23 unanimously, otherwise the decisions shall be taken by majority vote. In case of equal voting, the decision shall be made in favour of the opinion that concurs with that of the President of the Council. Decisions regarding the amendment, deletion and addition in the constitution shall, however, be made with the 2/3 majority of the present Article-23 members.

General Secretary


The President shall appoint the General Secretary in consultation with the Central Advisory Council.


The duties and the powers of the General Secretary shall be as follows:
1) To supervise the function of the Central departments.
2) To look after all the organisational matters to properly administer its affairs.
3) To keep contact with all the Organisational Zones, to supervise their working and to guide them as per the situation on the directives of the President of the Organisation.
4) The General Secretary, in the above mentioned matters, shall discharge his duties under the instruction of the President and shall be answerable to him.

Sarparast-e-Halqa (Zonal Patron)


There shall be a Sarparast-e-Halqa of the Organisation at the Zonal level. Ameer-e-Halqa / Area Nazim under Markaz. Jamat-e-Islami Hind shall be the Sarparast-e-Halqa.


The duties and powers of the Sarparast-e-Halqa shall be as follows.
1) To see the On Goings of the organisation is proceeding in pursuance to the aims and objectives of the Organisation on healthy lines. He shall have the powers, for this purpose, to take appropriate steps whenever required at the Zonal level.
2) To supervise the election of the Zonal President and the Zonal Advisory Council.
3) Decision on important and controversial matters regarding Zonal management shall come into effect after the approval of the Sarparst-e-Halqa.

(Note: The Sarparast-e-Halqa shall have the power to nominate any person to act on his behalf, if so needed)

Zonal Advisory Council


(A) There shall be an Advisory Council at the Zonal level to aid and advise the Zonal President with which the Zonal president shall consult on important matters.
(B) The President of the organisation shall fix the number of members of the ZAC before the next term starts in consultation with the Zonal President.


The members in the Zone shall elect the members of the Zonal advisory council from among the members in the Zone, directly or indirectly. The Secretary shall be an ex-offico member of the Zonal Advisory Council.


(A) A meeting of the Zonal Advisory Council shall ordinarily be held twice a year, and the intervening period between two meetings shall not be more than 8 months.
(B) The Zonal President shall have the right to summon an emergency meeting at any time.
(C) It shall be obligatory to summon an emergency meeting of the Council, if 1/3 of the members of the Zonal Advisory Council make a written requisition to the Zonal President.


The quorum for the meeting shall be 1/2 of the total members of the Council, but if a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, there shall be no quorum for the next meting.


The responsibility of the Zonal Advisory Council shall be as follows:
1. To consider the annual Zonal report.
2. To formulate Zonal programmes in the light of the Policy and programme set by the Centre.
3. To consider the report of income and expenditure of the Zonal Baitul-mal, in the light of the pervious year’s budget and the audit report.
4. To approve the annual budget.
5. To appoint the office bearers and Auditor as per requirements.
6. To consider and to take decisions on other important matters.


Attempts shall be made that decisions of the Zonal Advisory Council are taken
unanimously otherwise, the decisions shall be taken by majority vote. In case of
equal voting, decision shall be in favour of the opinion which concurs with that of
the President of the Council.

Zonal President


There shall be a President in every Organisational Zone (Halqa) who shall be the head of the Zone.


(A) The Zonal Advisory Council shall elect the Zonal President from among the members in the Zone.
(B) The Secretary shall immediately assume the office of the Zonal President in case it suddenly falls vacant due to any reason. The tenure of his temporary arrangement shall not be more than three months. It shall be necessary to elect a Zonal President within this period as per Article.34(A).
(C) The Zonal President shall have the power to appoint an Acting President in consultation with the President. In the case he has to temporarily relinquish his duties. The term of such appointment shall not exceed six months.


The duties and powers of the Zonal President shall be as follows:

1. To regulate the administration of the units of his Zone and to arrange for the training
and guidance of members in the Zone.
2. (a) To summon the meeting of the Zonal Advisory Council and to preside over it.
(b) To extend invitation a non-member to participate in the meeting of his Zonal Advisory Council; but such invitees shall have no right to vote.
3. (a) To recommend application for membership of the Organisation or expulsion or resignation from it.
(b) To suspend from membership in unavoidable circumstances with with immediate intimation to the President for approval (Article-50B)
4. To appoint the Secretary in consultation with his Zonal Advisory Council.
5. To recommend for acceptance of resignation, suspension or expulsion of the Secretary.
6. To establish a new Unit in the Zone.
7. To arrange for election of Office bearers to the local units, to accept resignation,
to suspend or to expel any of them in consultation with the Secretary.
8. To accept resignation of any member of the Local Advisory Council, if the interest of the Organisation so warrants under unavoidable circumstances.
(a) to suspend a unit and communicate it immediate to the president for approval.
(b) to recommend for dissolution of the unit to the president.



The Zonal President shall appoint a Secretary in consultation with the Zonal Advisory Council.


The duties and powers of the secretary shall be as follows:

1) To supervise the organisational matters of the Zone and to maintain its functioning and management properly.
2) To supervise the Zonal departments.
3) To keep an eye on the discipline of local units, to supervise their working and to direct them as per the situation.
4) The secretary, in these matters, shall be bound to obey the directions of the Zonal President and shall act according to his direction.


A local unit shall be set up at a place where there are two or more members of the Organisation; but, in case there is only President and shall act according to his direction.

Local President


(A) There shall be President in every Local Unit who shall be elected by local members from among them.
(B) Where there are only two members in a Unit, the Zonal President shall appoint the local President at his own discretion.


The duties and powers of the Local President shall be as follows:

1) To properly administer the affairs of the local unit and to train and guide the local members.
2) To remain active in result pursuit of the aims and objectives of the Organisation and to keep other members also active.
3) To Manage the affairs of his unit in consultation with the local members.
4) The Local President shall, in all these matters, be bound to obey the direction of the Zonal President and shall be answerable to him.

Local Advisory Council


(A) For a local unit where there are 25 or more members, a Local Advisory Council (LAC) can be constituted with the consent of the Zonal President.
(B) The Zonal President shall fix the number of the members of the Local Advisory Council in consultation with the Local President.
(C) Important matters in the local units shall be finalised in consultation with the Local Advisory Council.

Baitul-mal (Treasury)


There shall be a Local Baitul-mal of the Organisation respectively at the local, Zonal and All India Level.


(A) The Central Baitul-mal shall be under the President of the organisation, out of which he shall expend according to the sanctioned budget on relevant heads of account.
(B) The audit of account of the Central Baitul-mal shall be made by the Auditor of the Organisation.


The Baitul Mal of every Zone shall be under the Zonal President, out of which he shall expend on relevant heads of account in consultation with the ZAC. He will be accountable to the President of the Organisation in connection with the income and expenditure.
(B) The audit of the account of of the Zonal Baitul-mal shall be made by the Zonal Auditor.


The local Baitul-mal shall be under the Local President, out of which he shall expend on relevant heads of account in consultation with the members/Local Advisory Council. He will be accountable to the Zonal President for the income and expenditure.

Sources of Income


1. Monthly contribution and Sadaqat (charitable alms) by the members of the Organisation.
2. Donations of sympathisers and well-wishers.
3. Income from book depots and publications.



The fulfill the intent of the this constitution, the President of the Organisation shall frame by laws as per requirements, in consultation with the Central Advisory Council which shall come into force on the approval of the Sarparast-e-Aa’la.


If a members of the Organisation tenders resignation from the membership of the Organisation, he shall be given an opportunity to a maximum of two months to reconsider his decision.


The expulsion of a member of the Organisation may take place only in case where he:

1. Retracts in word or deed from article-4,5 & 6 of the Consultation.
2. Violates knowingly the prescribed policy of the organisation.
3. Adopts an attitude detrimental to the discipline of the Organisation or to its religious or moral position.


(A) If there arises the issue of expulsion of any member, he shall be supplied with reasons for his contemplated expulsion and will be given an opportunity to present his defence within two months at the maximum.

(B) The President of the Organisation can suspend him prior to his expulsion if deemed necessary and the Zonal President can also suspend the member till the decision of the President of the Organisation, in unavoidable circumstances.


The funds/property of the Organization will not be used for any purpose other than for fulfillment of the Aims and Objectives as delineated in article-4 of this constitution.


In the event of dissolution of the organization its funds/assets will be transferred only to some other organization having similar aims and objectives as decided by the two third majority of the member present in any annual meeting or a meeting called on emergency basis, of the central Advisory Council and approved by the Chief Patron of the Organization in terms of his power under sub clasuse-6 of clause-8.

(RAMZAN 1427H)

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